Lisbon Photo Studio

Studio portrait session in Lisbon

I like the studio because it’s very technical work, research, but above all it’s a time for human interaction.
You come with desire, sometimes apprehension (it’s normal) and the essence of my work is to make you forget all the technique so that you can have a good time and get the best photo together, the one we’ll keep!

There’s always a moment during a session when something happens, when you relax and let go, in harmony with the music and the light.
You have to let that moment come: That’s the photo you’ll keep!

When you leave saying ‘I was stressed, but I had a great time and I feel beautiful’…

Then I think we’ve achieved something!

I look forward to seeing you.

EVJF Lisbonn

Family Session

Family Session

Session for two

Classic Photo Portrait

Portrait Photo Premium

For one person:

  • 1 session of 30 minutes, with one type of lighting, You can choose 6 photos for 150 euros.
  • 1 session of 1 hour, with several types of lighting and 1 change of clothing. You can choose 10 photos for 200 euros.
  • 1 session of 2 hours with several lighting effects, several backgrounds and several changes of clothing. You can choose 20 photos for 300 euros.
  • For a family or couple session, I propose a minimum of one hour, which will allow you to have individual photos and photos together. You can choose 10 photos for 200 euros.

*Photos can be printed on request (Ask me).

*Before each session, I suggest you send me a photo of the outfits you would like to wear so that I can adapt and be as efficient as possible during the session.

You can also contact me if you need advice to prepare your session.


Finally, I know you may feel uncomfortable, perhaps you’ve never done anything like this before?

Don’t worry… everyone feels like this at the beginning…

You should know that I do a lot of directing, I always tell you what to do. And I never, ever leave you alone…

3 + 9 =

Lisbon Photo Studio

When I found out that Olivier does studio photos, I immediately wanted to try it, even though I don’t like having my photo taken.

I knew it would be easy to do, but at the same time I knew I’d get a lot of work done.
Olivier loves technique so much that he approaches light as another character in the photo, a presence that needs to be mastered and negotiated between darkness and all the nuances of shadow.
The shots are of high quality and you have a choice: colour or black and white prints, the effect is different but always artistic.

A pleasant experience that I recommend.

Jean-Michel Albert

Studio Photo Lisboa

With empathy and listening skills, Olivier made me feel confident and at ease during the ‘Premium Session’ we did.

During the 2 hours of a very professional shoot, he was able to meet my expectations and even go beyond them thanks to his sound advice.

The session took place in a serene, relaxed, almost intimate atmosphere.

I had an excellent time with a competent and affable photographer who I warmly recommend.

Cyril Laurin

Studio Photo Lisboa

A photo session is about taking the time to accept the other self: the one that accompanies you, precedes you or follows you.

We prefer to ignore it because it sows the seeds of pitfalls, time, wrinkles and weariness.

The talented portrait painter knows how to help you take this other person by the hand, without boredom or complacency.

Marie-line Darcy

Olivier asked me to forget myself so that he could be me.
To show myself in a way that I rarely do, to reveal what lies deep inside me, the photographic session became for me an exercise in discovery, under the photographer’s attentive and discreet gaze….

Fernando Carmino Marques

Studio Photo Lisboa

Here is a short testimony from someone who doesn’t feel comfortable in front of the lens: the experience of being photographed by the talented Olivier Perrin, an award-winning French photographer I had the joy of meeting in Lisbon – was incredible.

Olivier’s skill reflects not only his perfected technique, but also his unique artistic sensibility. The way he manipulates light, composition and details reveals his mastery of the art of photography, and his kindness creates a comfortable atmosphere that transforms the photoshoot into a moment that captures not only images, but also emotions and stories.

Thank you for this beautiful photoshoot, Olivier Perrin !

Karen Vanazzi


It’s the photographer’s eye that sublimates the image, the moment.

And as the famous photographer Ansel Adams so aptly put it: ‘Only images that are strongly captured have the power to penetrate deep into the memory, to stay there, to become, in short, unforgettable. ’

That’s what Olivier Perrin did with mine. Thank you Olivier, for such a rewarding experience, for your professionalism, your kindness and your patience!
Only a good photographer can achieve results like yours!
Thank you, and I’d advise anyone to go through this experience, because afterwards you feel divinely good!

Marie Thérèse Ferreira

Studio Photo Lisboa

Olivier made me feel very strong emotions during his session.

He succeeded in making me accept this experience and enjoy it.
Olivier had the power to calm me down and let me go.
You could feel his passion, his technique and his professionalism for photography at every moment.
He shared with us his secrets for successful photography, among many others.

A real moment of complicity, silence and serenity.
Once again, thank you Olivier for this wonderful experience, which I can only recommend.

Elisabeth Ribeiro

Studio Photo Lisboa

As Barthes said, in photography, a pipe is a pipe.
In other words, what is seen can only be what is represented. I would say yes, but not always, because there are those who, being on the other side of the camera, leave their invisible presence in the photograph (and in the subject), thus helping to fulfil this premise.
This is the case, at least in this sequence of images. Olivier’s presence succeeded in bringing out the best in me and bringing me into a tension-free relationship with the lens.
What you see in these images is me, without metaphors.
A pipe is a pipe. Thank you, Olivier.

Isaura Antunes

Olivier Perrin’s photo shoot was a great experience.
Gostei do momento e gosto do resultado.
The time passed quickly.
The master of ceremonies, Olivier, wasn’t too prescriptive, but was still very present.
At first I was quite tense, with a false nonchalance and a forced smile. Little by little I began to enjoy myself and the moment.
And little by little the session became more enjoyable and the photos more successful.

Jean François Davis

Olivier is a photographer who knows how to play with light, and shows professionalism and creativity.
Over and above the technical aspects of photography, which he masters perfectly, Olivier knows how to put his subject at ease with patience and gently allows us to reconnect with our image.
Thank you for this session, which almost made us forget our complexes!

Audrey Doigniaux

En mi vida nunca me senti capaz de tener algo que mostrara mi existencia. En el pasado, las cosas que creia me limitaban a pensar de una manera. Hoy, las cosas son diferentes. Este es mi primer regalo hacia mi mismo, del cual me siento orgulloso. Gracias al talento de Olivier, pude sacar lo mejor y captarlo para siempre.
Por supuesto, no sera la ultima vez.
Très bonne expérience de photos de famille dans les rues de lisbonne
J’ai fait appel à Olivier Perrin pour un shooting photo sur la plage dans le cadre de mon activité professionnelle, et je suis vraiment ravie du résultat ! Olivier est à l’écoute, professionnel et met tout de suite à l’aise, ce qui rend l’expérience agréable et fluide.

Les photos reflètent exactement ce que je recherchais : naturelles, lumineuses et authentiques. J’ai tellement apprécié cette séance que j’ai déjà prévu d’autres shootings avec lui !

Si vous hésitez encore, je vous encourage à tenter l’expérience avec Olivier. Que ce soit pour un projet pro ou perso, il saura capturer ce qui compte pour vous. Merci encore pour ce moment et ces superbes photos !
Dans le cadre réconfortant de son studio, Olivier prend le temps de nous mettre en confiance vers une pose plus naturelle et détendue dans des atmosphères évoluant au gré des éclairages. Apres Olivier nous aide à sélectionner les photos et les améliore, quelles soient professionnelles ou figurant des moments de famille ou d’amitié. Ideal pour Noel 🙂
Nous avons réservé un shooting avec Olivier durant un week-end à Lisbonne.
Olivier a été très réactif et nous a planifié un parcours adapté avec des enfants en bas âge, et a su le modifier en cours de route en fonction des attentes de chacun ainsi que de la fatigue des plus jeunes comme des plus âgés.
La séance s’est extrêmement bien déroulé, Olivier a pris en compte nos envies pour adapter les photos, tout était très personnalisé. Son enthousiasme et sa sympathie ont rendu ce moment très agréable et nous en garderons un excellent souvenir !
Les plus : les informations historiques pendant la visite qui font de cette séance bien plus qu’un simple shooting ! Le fait de se balader a permis d’avoir des photos spontanées et de poursuivre la visite de la ville.
Olivier est très adapté et doux avec les enfants, il a su les rendre attentifs pour les photos, ce qui n’était pas gagné !
Un grand merci pour ce shooting, cette sympathie et cette disponibilité ! Nous recommandons à 100% !
Superbe séance photo réalisée avec mon copain ! L’échange a été très agréable, Olivier a su nous mettre à l’aise rapidement grâce à son professionnalisme et son approche conviviale. Il nous a proposé plusieurs idées créatives pour les poses et les éclairages, ce qui a rendu l’expérience encore plus complète. J’ai même choisi une des photos pour un usage professionnel !

Je recommande vivement !!!
Je ne suis pas très à l’aise devant un appareil photo, c’est peu de le dire. La séance s’annonçait peu facile.
Mais Olivier a su trouver le juste équilibre pour me faire oublier l’objectif sans compromettre la qualité des images. L’expérience du professionnel, sa technique, sa bienveillance (et sa patience) ont détendu l’atmosphère et permis de réaliser des beaux clichés où je me reconnais totalement.
Merci Olivier pour cet agréable moment !
Quero partilhar minha maravilhosa experiência com Oliver.
Ele foi extremamente profissional, muito atencioso, detalhista e é muito simpático. Superou todas as minhas expectativas.
J'ai eu le plaisir de réaliser une séance photo avec Olivier Perrin samedi dernier, et l'expérience a été au-delà de mes attentes. Olivier est non seulement avenant, mais également extrêmement talentueux, ce qui fait toute la différence.
Etre devant l'objectif est un exercice compliqué pour certaines personnes, mais grâce à son approche bienveillante et professionnelle, je me suis sentie rapidement à l'aise. Le résultat est au rendez-vous : je repars avec des photos qui correspondent tout à fait à mes attentes et reflètent mon image. Idéal pour mon site Iinternet et mes réseaux sociaux.
Merci pour ce remarquable travail Olivier!
Há dias fui assistir a uma sessão fotográfica realizada pelo Olivier Perrin.
Sem contar, fui convidado para fazer algumas fotografias. Na verdade, não me sinto muito à vontade perante uma câmara, mas o Olivier conduziu a sessão fotográfica com um profissionalismo incomparável, deixando-me alheio ao mundo exterior e sem me sentir exposto.
A comunicação, a atenção ao detalhe e a energia que o Olivier colocou em cada "clique" da câmara, tornou cada momento único, conseguindo capturar a minha essência, esconder o meu nervosismo e timidez.
O resultado da sessão comprova-o. Cada foto fala por si!
Olivier, obrigado pela experiência!